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A flawed novice observer.
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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ibarat permata dalam timbunan kaca - PART 4.

Ianya bermula bile kami sekumpulan buat assignment.

Mula dari situ aku slalu datang bilik die. Overnight.
Die slalu bercerita. Bagi aku tengok video yg comey2 belaka.
Kucen la. Baby gelak tergolek2 la.
Dah tu mentang2 la aku ni suke gelak
Die sajikan aku ngan video Maharaja Lawak.

Semput mak.

Dialah kawan gelak aku.
Aku slalu kacau die. Hahahah
Lebih2 lagi bile ade sorang mamat ni kate sore die comey, sedap didengar
membawa keamanan.
X tau nape, tp diorg ni ade chan aku rase.
Kalau betul, bagus la.
Sorang hensem, sorang comel.
Dua2nye orang yg aku sayang.
Dua2nye orang baik.
Telah dinyatakan bahawa orang baik adalah untuk orang baik.
Biarlah Tuhan yg uruskan.

So, why not? :)

Die jgk la kawan sedih aku.
Baru semalam die nampak aku nangis. Marah.
Beriya2 die try pujuk. Siap kontek orang yg buat aku nangis + marah lagi
slow talk ngan orang tu.
Pastu die pasang video Maharaja Lawak.
Habis. Aku kalah. White flag da

Hari tu sebenanye leh dikatekan hari bertuah aku.
Aku baru balik jmpe lecturer. Pasal repeat aku.
Aku tengah down. So aku call die ni.
Kitorang panggil die Sepet. Harharhar
Ajak die datang NR, minum2.
Bile die datang, die pun monyok gak - tengah bermasalah rupenye.
Aku bercerite, die pun bercerite.
Timbul hal quit tu.
Aku kate (dengan wajah monyok) bahawa die antara mereka yg suh quit.
Pastu die buat2 tacing, "oh, ni sume sebab aku la ni?"
Aku tergelak dan kate, "eh, pehal plak? Tacing2 plak ni!"
Die pun tergelak. Rupenye die saje buat camtu.
"Haa. Kan dah gelak tu."
Hahah, terharu aku.

Dua2 mencube buat aku gelak. Walaupun untuk sementara.
Aku betul2 hargainya.

Terima kasih Maizatul Akma Sabarudin kerana menyayangi aku.
Aku yang x sempurna ni pun ko leh kawan.
Aku hargai sangat2.
So, jom repeat sesame. Hikhik, dah takdir kan.

Terima kasih kerana menerima aku seadanya.

-a response to this post-

Contest Hot and Cool. :D

Pertama skali hamba nak bertrime kaseh kat puan punye belog yg tinggal nun di kayangan
sbb menge'tag' hamba. Hikhik :p

Tag dalam ape?
Tag dalam contest Hot and Cool ni la. Wiuwiuwiu


-click header ni utk ke blog tu-

Haaa. Moh kite tengok syarat2nya pulok. Mai mai mai *sambil membunyikan loceng eskrem

  • follow AM Blog! (tak wajib)
  • buad entry psl contest ni ! (jgn panjang sgt)
  • pemenang 3 org.. :)
  • contest mula dari -- 22/9/2011-20/10/2011
  • hantar link entry tuh (bkn url blog tau)
  • tampal banner skali ;)
  • 100 bloggers~
  • kalau byk tag, menang satu doodle!
  • tag 2 bloggers (make sure mereka tau)
    Tips nak menang! Pun senang je ^___^
    * Pastikan ia kemas dan tersusun :D
    * Pandai2 bodek di entry! XD

    Assalamualaikum awak. Awak jawab salam, lagilah bertambah sayang. Hihihi
    Jemputlah datang ke blog kite yang sedap mate memandang ni. Simple, putih lagi suci ye. Saye suke type post2 yg kalerful, letak gamba lawa2, comey2.. nnt xde la bosan nak tengok kan kan kan. Hehehe
    Header awak tu comey la - geram je tengok chibi pakai selendang tu, same comeynye ngan puan blog AM ni! ;)
     Kalau saye menang, dah bukan comel da - dah tahap cantik lagi berseri-seri da! Hihihi :)))

You're tagged :)


Thanks for dropping by :)

Terbakar. Meletup. Membara. Dan yang sehangat dengannye.

Assalamualaikum. Korang jawab, insyaAllah kurang sket api di hati ini.
*harap2 la

Hari ni x pasal2 je aku marah. Dah orang tu yg cari pasal.
Bukan sorang plak tuh, Ya Tuhan
Tapi malas la nak pk. Serabut.

Aku dah bleh trime hakikat pointer aku akan jatuh sem ni.
Maybe even repeat kot. Xpe la. Slow2.
Papepun, sedikit penghargaan kpd geng bj ijau..
.. yg x putus2 buat meeting hampir tetiap minggu, smpai melangkaui silent hour..
(percume je kne saun ngan ibu aku)
.. dan ditambah lagi dengan tabiat hamba yg x suke bergegas x tentu pasal

waktu nak study + pointer + prestasi + semangat pun sket2 turun menjunam.

Sebenanye cuak jgk. Masuk bnde ni jatuh gila pointer. X sangka btul.
Kate kat ibu, "quit la camni. PA pun dah smpai kate
'saye tau awak sem depan ni x masuk lagi bnde tu!'
Perh, ayat die, Ma."
Ibu aku dah bagi lmpu ijau dah pun.

Pastu inform kawan aku yang sorang ni. Anta SMS kat die
'i'm quitting.'

Perh, terbaik kena cuci ngan die bile die AKHIRNYE tau aku sebenanye serius!
4 SMS die anta. Every 2 minutes. Laju x laju die taip haaa.
Smpai tertinggal perkataan. Nasib baik paham.


"ko bkn kwn aq la klu nk quit. ape bleh mati ke klu kne repeat. ko ckp 2 ko X pkir aq yg repeat ke? bleh je aq hidup."
"asal ko X ckp hea soh ko quit? jgn quit klu komander X mengganggu ko."
"da. better skrg ko rileks dlu. lps exam, br ko pkirkan. ko ni, aq ingatkan ko gurau dgn (aq). mna aq tau. rileks dlu."
"tumpu dlu pd paper ko. jgn pkirkan sgt. klu ko kwn aq, be cool."

Ingat ibu aku je yg power anta SMS laju2 dan banyak2. Uihh

2 SMS yg pertame tu memang buat aku menyirap gak.
Rase nk baling tepon je mase tu.
Aku pun x tau la nape die..

.. yakin dengan aku.

Jadi skang ni aku ditarik dari dua arah.

Sebelah x sanggup lihat aku dalam kesakitan.
Sebelah lagi x henti2, x jemu2 bagi aku semangat.

Sebelah sayang.
Sebelah lagi yakin seyakin yakinnye.

One side told me to move on.
Another told me to be strong.

So where do I stand?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

After midnight: what could have been.

wahai kawanku yang jauh.. yang kusayangi, rindui, dan hormati.

Sorry ye x dapat buat SuperSavers utk ko. Hawau je.
Aku rindu gak gelak2 ngan ko smpai pkol 3 pagi, macam hari tu.
Serius ko berkati-kati menyakitkan hati.
Tapi syok la gelak2 ngan ko! WEEEE~

Hari lain la ea.
Tggu selesai paper Khamis ni ea. :)


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Without you, I am nothing. (a tribute)

(inspired by Mitch Albom's For One More Day)
the book is a must-read. I have a copy I borrowed from the library. Nak pinjam?
Bgtau :)


Meet my mum, Rokiah Arsad.


That's her - my mother.

If I list all the things she had done for me, it'll take many MANY posts to tell it all.
But I'll tell you just a few of what I remember till now
some of which she had done during my time here in this campus.

it was one day after Raya.
This is what happened on the eve of the day we went home to Selangor.
We were tired and still quite hungry
so my 3rd sister asked
"nak makan mane?"
I bluntly said KFC. :p
My sisters went, "KFC? Ceh."
Wasn't offended, wasn't bothered. Adults.
Around a couple of days later, after visiting his grave
my mum asked me to accompany her to buy carpet.
I'm like, "sure."
After she bought it, she went, "alaaa cite Mama nak start la kejap lagi.
Nak makan KFC tak?"
I was shocked. I protested, "xpe la. Kite balik je la, nanti Mama miss cite Mama."
But she walked on ahead, ignoring my protest.
"mane la KFC Mama nampak tadi.."
Ah well, looks like she won't take no for an answer, isn't she?

On the day I went to the campus after spending 2 days at home
We dropped by at Nagoya. Not my favourite place in the world..
since shopping isn't my favourite past-time.
Then I saw kain polka-dot. Various pretty colours, with white dots. Very, very nice.
"Ma, lawa laaa!"
My mum replied, "Eee! Polka dot?"
I lamented, "lawa laaa. Lagipun cotton ni Ma. Boleh pakai nak pegi klas nanti."
"Hmmph. Yelaaa."
Days pass.
A phone call, few days before IMS dinner.
"Noor, Mama jumpe baju polka-dot. Ma tau Noor nak kan? Kaler kuning lawa.
50 ringgit je. Stock clearance. Nanti Ma mintak Akak anta MMS."
In my mind, "wiuwiuWEEE~"
-sayang baju ni-

The one I remembered the most, up until now (get ready, it's long)
is when I told her, "Mum, I couldn't take this anymore, this is stupid.
I think I want to quit this."
That day was the last day of Part 1 KO, as well as the night of Charlie dinner.
I was with my DBSt friend. And.. we're both sick, actually.
He said, "jom ambik MC."
I was puzzled. To take or not to take?
It's the last day. But then if I go, I won't be much help either, what more with my condition.
So after an hour of thinking, I said, "jom."
He said that we'll go to the library afterwards, to which I'm fine with.
And so there we went. I have 2 papers the next day so I thought I better study a bit.
Until this one Part 3 commander came along. WITH HER BOYFRIEND. Bajet gah la kau.
Mentang2 la ade jantan sebelah kau. Aku ade jantan sebelah aku pun x gelabah macam kau, sialll
This is how it went down.
"x pegi KO ke?" "tak." "Nape?" "MC."
My friend overheard her said, "MC. Tapi lepak kat library."
When he told me about it, I was pissed. Very pissed, that he had to calm me down.
The girl has a nasty mouth to begin with so, you can imagine what she'll say to the other commanders. Stoopid beetch.
I called my mother, with the sole purpose of cooling myself down.
That's when I told her I thought about quitting.
So, what did she said?
"ade bodoh jugak diorang ni ea. Mentang2 la ade laki die.
Kalau dah teruk sangat sampai macam tu, benti je.
Ko datang situ pun nak blaja.
If I have to, I WILL PULL YOU OUT OF THERE. Cakap je bile."
My friend witnessed everything.. and he mouthed "I told you so" almost everytime. XD
Even as I was talking to her.. I wrote on my revision paper, so that he could read
'without her, I am nothing'.
He smiled in agreement and amusement.
So in a way, she's WAITING.

As proud as she was on this day
I realized she's more concerned about me.

This.. is what I want. The love that lasts forever. Dear God, hear my prayer..
(sumpah x kenal makcik tuh. hahah)

Dear mother, without you
I am nothing.

Lapangkanlah dadanya
Teguhkanlah imannya, teguhkanlah kesabarannya
Kurniakanlah ke atasnya kebahagiaan dan keberkatan
Murahkanlah rezekinya biar sampai tak putus2.
Jagalah kesihatannya dan juga keselamatannya
Dan sentiasalah Kau gerakkan hatinya
untuk beribadah kepadaMu dan mengingatiMu. Amiiiin

Monday, September 19, 2011

You're not the only one.

Dear friend.

I know it hurts you to have your long-time girlfriend to 'leave'
right before you, in your arms.
When she's better off
with her parents, not you (that's what you said)
on her birthday - October 10th, right?
I know that it's been 3 years
since she left this world.
And yes, there's no other girl like her, I assure you.

The same way that no one can change the fact that
no one, NO ONE
is half as great as my (late) dad. Period.

I'm sorry you lost your girl.
I'm sorry that you feel guilty for her being with you on the day she left.
I'm sorry I reacted differently everytime you talk about her.

I just don't want to see you sad.
If I REALLY had to choose, I'd rather be pissed at you for all the remarks you made
than see you with that sad face you wear almost every other week.
You're not the only one who's losing someone, love.

Just know that you have to be strong.
My dad's not coming back.
She's not coming back.

Does it EVER occur to you that when
you cry over them
you're putting them in pain?

Does it EVER cross your mind
that she loves you too much
to see you keep looking back
and never look ahead of you
all the blessings Allah SWT has bestowed upon you?

You lucky a--hole
you have your friends around you!
Above all, your family!

And please do me a favour
don't EVER think that I don't feel. Call me Concrete/South Pole/Pluto/whatevs.
I feel. I have feelings. I cry at the corner, too.
I get pissed. I throw/kick/hit stuffs just to release my tantrum.
I laugh when I'm happy.
But I DON'T SHOW IT. Just too lazy.

The last time I put my heart in the open, they broke it. Doesn't get any better than that.
The last time I show my feelings, things just got worse.

So I surpressed it so deep I don't know what I feel anymore.
But I know I'm pissed at you NOW for reminiscing at the memories and calling me all that.

Did you know because of you being inconsiderate to my feelings
as you were busy with your own
I cried on my own?

What the hell do you think I'm doing then, hours ago
sitting right before you
What, you think this girl has no feelings and never cried?
You think.. that since I never cried before you
I never cried AT ALL?

The heck I didn't.


You're lucky you were there with your girl.
I wasn't even there with my dad.
I didn't get to see his last smiles. Laughter.

I was at some damned hill for some damned commando experience.

Please don't be sad anymore.


By the way, thanks for the Penang trip offer.
I really, REALLY want to join you, but I have paper for the next day.
And no, please.. x nak repeat. :D
You're crazy, I give you that.. but I love you.
Take care of yourself there and have fun.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


16 Sept, 2011.
Di rumah Aiem, ade openhouse.
Jemputan itu dipenuhi dengan hati yg gembire.

And the day ended on a happy note.

I wonder if my words are making any difference
but I'm glad I went with them.

I miss the times I had with them last semester. :)
But I don't know how to show it or put it into words.

I hope.. this will suffice.

>>>sorry for not knowing how to say it better than this<<<

Friday, September 16, 2011

Ibarat permata dalam timbunan kaca - PART 3.

Hoyeahh. Final dah dekat.
Tapi aku di sini masih lagi nk blog. Hahah, gedik + gile + malas.
Kne tempuhi stadi week dlu.

Kalau ikotkan nak stadi kejap.
Tapi saye ni bab2 memotivasikan diri ni memang agak kureng.
Haruslah perbaiki diri :)

Anyway! Hahah :D
Nak cite psl sorg kawan aku nih.

Muhammad Syahronny Saringat aka ROONEY! Hahah

Yup, tu awek die. Comey kan diorg? :D

Kenal die time LIBK. Kompeni JPAM die nih.
Kitorg dlu satu skuad - skuad zomba.
Skuad dak2 sakit. HAHAHAH
So kitorg mmg lekat la saaaampai skang.
Tapi sem ni mmg jarang dpt lepak ngan die. Al maklum la, student CS.
Mmg sentiase busy.

(dan bak kate dia)
Dan akhirnye dan akhirnye DAN AKHIRNYE!
Selasa baru2 ni, tanggal 13 Sept, dpt lepak ngan die kat NR.
Catch up balik la ape sume. Tanye khabar. Dan of course, hal2 komander akan timbul.
Satu malam tu senyum je. Yelaa. cam jejak kasih plak. Lame gile x lepak nga die, kan.

Hal2 komander tu saye diamkan je la ;)

Die ni dari segi sifat.. ade sifat memberontak sket.
A silent rebellious streak. Jenis memberontak dlm diam.
Lancau? X la sgt. Sket2 je. Agak lain daripada Haqim.
Tapi sifat yg same antara mereka berdua ni.. adalah sifat penyayang.
Yela. Tau la sume org sayang orang. Kan kan kan.
Tapi diorg ni.. lain. :)

Die ni mmg budak baik. Tgk muke pun da tau. Hahah
Jenis yg mengambil berat. Yang akan mendengar bile org bercerite.
Yg paling aku nmpak.. die ni terserlah keikhlasannye.
Dalam ape2 pun yg die buat.

Harap2 la persahabatan ni berkekalan, walau ape pun yg terjadi.
Amiiiin :)))

-malam ni insyaAllah akan lepak bersame lagi. yeayyy! sayang ko ketat2, geng!-