Just arrived home yesterday. Perh heaven kot.
For this first time I'm actually dying to get home.
I thought it'll be fun.
For some parts, it is.
Ragging kaw2 doooee. X___X
Hahah :D
Kene guling atas jalan, skali tu pumping gune knuckle. Slalu siswa yg kne knuckle. Pastu duduk stail naik moto.. minus the seat la, of course.
Aku ni plak AGAK x bese diri tgh2 panas.. so for 2 days I ended up at sickbay.
First time for migraine.
The second for nearly puked, exhaustion and slight difficulty in breathing.
Well.. I asked for it,
so I try to lift my spirits back up again.
Yang klakanye salah seorg yg sebenanye ambik berat ttg diri aku dan semangat aku yg kian luntur time tu..
.. adelah org yg kawan aku x suke, to put it mildly.
Memang btul la kate kwn aku, JPAM dak Nogongi. Katenye..
'Lom tntu kwn2 kite yg baik2 tu akan ade time kite susa. Tau2 kwn2 yg buruk akhlak tu jgk yg dtg mmbantu.'
He has the right to say so - a month before SPM he had a bike accident and his right hand broke and his left, cracked.
Imagine how he must have thought and felt when none of his mates came - instead, those playboys, rempits and smokers came and cheered him up. As for his SPM, well he took longer than usual to complete it and he gained 2 As. Slightly lower than he aimed for.. but better than nothing.
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That's the guy - Haqim namenye. Like every friends I have in contact, he's crazy like heck. |
But damn he's so smart - carry mark BEL die tinggi gile. Yang lain2 pun same gak. And he's loaded.
But he's such an angel - the nicest guy around. He really cared for his friends. Die kate kalau boleh die x nak ragging2 cam yg kitorg kne kat sini. Tmbhnye cukup la diorg faham ape yg diajar dan diorg enjoy, x stress2.
Die slalu karok.. mcm2 lagu la die nyanyi. Smbil2 tu [konon2] main gitar. Bengongnye la alahai.. tp alih2 kalau turn aku lak karok.. aku mesti nyanyi lagu ni..
.. sebab lagu ni bernilai bg aku. Diorg nyanyi lagu ape pun.. lagu ni jgk aku nyanyi.
Kalau ade peluang slalu lepak ngan die.. ngan yg sorg lagi ni, Syah aka Rooney aka Cyclops.
Die slalu karok.. mcm2 lagu la die nyanyi. Smbil2 tu [konon2] main gitar. Bengongnye la alahai.. tp alih2 kalau turn aku lak karok.. aku mesti nyanyi lagu ni..
.. sebab lagu ni bernilai bg aku. Diorg nyanyi lagu ape pun.. lagu ni jgk aku nyanyi.
Kalau ade peluang slalu lepak ngan die.. ngan yg sorg lagi ni, Syah aka Rooney aka Cyclops.
Tu lah. X pasal2 nme aku. Muke blur + nerd.
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Meet my friend, Syah. XD |
Die bukan saje2 je pakai shades time lintas hormat tuh.
It's just mate die x leh kne panas.. kalau bia lame2 nnt mate die merah.. mcm Cyclops.
Merah gile kot.. tp die ok. Dan die course CS, kampus Segamat. So nnt insyaAllah bleh lepak slalu! :D
Haih.. rugi btul die x ikut gi Asahan. Mcm2 bnde terjadi. Dh la bkn main lame pnye lepak tuh!
There'll be Jambori this year, God-willing on October I think.
And Negeri Sembilan will be hosting! Can't wait to see them again!
If I could, that is.
But one thing I'm sure of is that I'll go the distance just so that I'll see them again.
Everything is bearable because of them. Otherwise, I'll never smile as wide as I do today.
Ya Allah, kepadaMu aku bersyukur kerana ketemukan aku dengan mereka.
(dalam diam mmg aku sayang diorg ni.)
Haaa. Last day ade pemberian pangkat atau mengikut istilah diorg.. passing out.
(jap2, bukan ke pass out tu maksud die pengsan? errr.. x kesa la)
Letters will be dispatched to families, inviting them to come and see their child get burnt, cramped, walk around in a robotic manner and get burnt under the Sun.Then diorg akan pasangkan pangkat KRM tu kat bahu anak kesayangan diorg.
(ehem saya adalah salah seorg drpdnye.)Hahahah, nmpk dan bunyi je cam aku gurau2 ngan Ibu aku time tu.. pdhal, memikirkan tanggungjawab yg dipikul, bkn senang. Perasaan ni timbul sbb mase skolah menengah dlu, aku penah lalai.. so dgn izinNya aku harap dpt jauhkan dr perkara camtu.
Ayat paling sayu aku dgr dr Ibu aku,
"Kalau Papa ade die sendiri yang akan pasangkan."
Sebaknye aku hanye Tuhan yg tau. Tp tahan.
Lepas die blah dr baris dan ayat tu terngiang2 semula, gugur jgk air mate ni. Teringat kat die.
Siap leh terbayang lg - berpakaian batik ngan suar slack hitam, berkasut, tersenyum dgn senyuman yg aku ngan banggenye warisi dr die, heheheh.
Tgn die steady je pasang pangkat. Al maklum la.. pesara tentera. Dh bese.
Tp realitinye lain, dan itulah yg bikin aku, Ibu aku apetah lg.. hancur luluh.
Mak aku slalu nasihat, kalau teringat, igt2 la nk hadiahkan Al-Fatihah.
Al-Fatihah. :D
2 hello(s):
hi komander
ko bile lg nk join? haih :p
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